Maybe I spoke too soon

After the great news on Friday about my 5 year scans, I received a call from my doctor early yesterday morning.  Never a good sign!  He said the Radiologist who read my MRI saw something of concern and he agreed.  My world fell away.  I was blindsided because the risk for reoccurrence was pretty low this far out.  They are going to start with a needle biopsy.  I am awaiting the call as to timing.

I am not the type who would normally share this information while I’m still in the thick of it, but feel if I am going to be authentic in this blog I can’t be selective in what I share.  I am really trying to practice what I preach about never giving up hope, but right now I am not being very successful.  Fear is a terrible thing! I remind myself that this news didn’t surprise God, but it sure did surprise me.  Any prayers you can offer on my behalf would be greatly appreciated. And now I wait.



  1. Keep the switch of faith turned on.
    FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

    Praise your way through the Fear.
    Praying for you.

  2. This is just crappy, crappy news. And you are handling it amazingly well. You are a powerful woman, Danielle, and I love that your strength comes from the Lord, a faith you wear like a bright red banner and wave like a sword. I’m praying the reading was wrong and your health continues to be just perfect. And I’m praying for peace in your heart.

  3. Lord, I lift Danielle before your throne of grace, mercy and healing. She is your child. You knew her before she was in her mother’s womb. This does not take you by surprise. Help Danielle to cling to you and your goodness in all circumstances. Use this to drive her to the foot of the cross where You alone can meet her. Thank you that she is being so very real through this journey. May you use it for her good and for Your glory! Thank you for the privilege of being her friend and of being able to help bear her burden in prayer. Glorify yourself! Drive out her fear and replace it with your perfect love.

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